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For a Brighter World

21st Century Will be the Century of Socialism

The International Communist Seminar in Brussels was held on 2-4 May on the theme "The working class, its leading role, new forms of exploitation and experiences of struggle and organisation" on 2-4 May at Brussels (See short report in June issue). Dr.Narendra Singh, co-ordinator of the Party Liaison Department in Europe and who represented the Party at the conference, has sent us the finalised draft declaration which had been deferred for further discussion. Compiled excerpts:

On the eve of the third millennium, we are confronted with the imperialist desire to enforce its barbaric and inhuman "new world order" on all peoples. Monopoly capital is creating a new wave of multinational and transnational concentration and is spreading its web to the farthest territories. The monopolies impose their economic dictatorship through the instruments they have created for themselves, such as the international Monetary Fund and the World Trade Organisation. By imposing policies of liberalisation and privatisation, they carry out the economic recolonisation of almost the entire globe.

They sweep aside national sovreignity and independence, openly interfere with the internal affairs of other countries, cynically invoke "democracy, freedom, peace, multipartyism, free elections and human rights". To impose their international economic dictatorship, the multinationals must destroy the international solidarity of the working class and the anti-imperialist unity of the oppressed peoples. They spread and use rascism, reactionary nationalism, separatism, religious fanaticism, irrationalism and mysticism, ethnicism and fascism to divide, fragment and stultify the popular forces, so as to plunge them into barbaric killings and destroy all capacity of resistance to imperialism and capitalism.

In Asia, the United States is preparing war against China by adopting a new "security treaty" with Japan, maintaining 35,000 soldiers and 1000 nuclear weapons in South Korea and keeping their control over the Chinese province of Taiwan.

There is the working class of the capitalist countries, struggling against the dictates that the monopolies impose on the economic and social life, against the military acts intervention aimed at other countries and against the preparation of large-scale wars of aggression. She has launched general strikes and numerous other mass movements.

The struggle against imperialism and for socialism cannot achieve lasting victories if the communist movement is divided in the ideological and organisational fields. Only the communists, united on an international level in the great party of the proletariat, can become the locomotive that will guide the train of humanity towards the people’s democracy, socialism and communism.

To the toiling masses of the world, imperialism has nothing to offer but exploitation, oppression, obscurantism, fascism and war. The communists firmly intend to remain loyal to Marxism-Leninism, to organise the popular masses in view of the bloody battles that the people will have to face, to demonstrate determination and a spirit of heroism and self-sacrifice, and they will make the 21st century the century of national and social liberation, the century of the triumph of socialism.

May the idea and the cause of the great October Revolution live through the centuries to come!

Workers and oppressed peoples of the world, unite!

Communism is the future of humanity! Onwards towards victory!

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