Off the record                                                                                                                                                               Tongue-in-check
The Smile on the face of the Tiger
Manmohanji, what is this 123? It is really bothering me.
Stop worrying about it. I am telling you it is all right. Isn't that enough?
But Manmohanji, in school whenever I ignored the 123, I got into big trouble...
You are not in school now, just leave it and do as I say!
Still, I am worried. If it is all right, why should we hide?
What are you talking about? Oh, I get it, you are worried about the Hyde Act. That is nothing. Actually quite helpful to us.
When you met Bush at the G 8 in Japan, you told him you “were happy to report” that Indians (at least the thinking ones) were beginning to appreciate the need to ally with the USA.Why were you submitting a ‘report’ to him?
Well, after all, it’s him who has to decide if I’ve passed or failed....
But Manmohanji, when I was with you in the Planning Commission, you would always tell me not to trust the Americans. What is so different now? Do you think it is good to hide behind the bush?
“Bhaiya, I am losing my patience, but let me tell you that in the new reality Bush is better than Putin!
So, you are telling me not to put in my trust in the Russians, but to hide behind Bush?
I really think you should not think so much. But just think what China can do to us.
Ji, I don't think China can do anything. Lots of ice between China and us. Not a blade of grass grows there.
Are you trying to be funny? Times have changed. Now, you send missiles by air.
But, ji, what do they want from us? Do they want to import our inflation! Don't you think that is a good joke!
I am not amused by your childish wit.
But Manmohanji, our friends in the Left Front are saying the deal is dangerous.
Bhaiyya, time has marched on, they are going to be left behind.
But why the hurry ji? Time marches very slowly. After all, all the promises you made as finance minister are yet to become true.
Can't you see that time is marching quite fast for me? I am getting old.
So Manmohanji, you are thinking of the future! What are you going to do?
After serving the largest democracy in the world, I only aspire to serve the United States, er, I mean the United Nations...
- Thomas George 
Manmohan Meets His Master

We all recall how Manmohan Singh at Oxford had expounded on the benefits that India got from its encounter with the ‘dominant empire of that day’ – i.e colonial Britain. Below is the ‘conversation’ between Bush and Manmohan Singh at a press meet at the G 8 Summit at Japan. We reproduce excerpts from it to throw light on the relationship between the Indian PM and the leader of the ‘dominant empire’ of today. Manmohan displaying his ‘report card’ (of getting support for status of subordinate ally of the US) for the approval of his mentor Bush who congratulates on his ‘leadership at home’. How this is a relation between patron and client is obvious from the way in which Bush speaks of Manmohan. Would Bush ever need to repeat that he ‘finds it easy to respect’ any leader of a European power? In the very act of spelling out that respect, Bush calls the respect into question: because it is clear that he is deigning to show ‘respect’ and say ‘we’re friends’!          

BUSH: Prime Minister Singh and I just had a typical conversation among friends. We talked about common opportunities, world problems, and we did it in a spirit of respect--and it was easy for me to do because I respect the Prime Minister a lot. I also respect India a lot…
We talked about the India-U.S. nuclear deal…about the environment…about free trade, the Doha Round, and how important it is that nations such as India and the United States find common ground to make sure protectionist sentiments don't wall us off from the rest of the world. ... congratulations on your leadership at home.

MANMOHAN SINGH: I’m very happy to report to the President that our relations have moved forward handsomely since our first meeting in July 2005. … We have progress in nuclear cooperation, space cooperation, defense cooperation, educational exchanges, our working together in multilateral institutions for the success of the Doha Round. And I am very pleased with the state of our relationship, which has truly acquired the characteristic of a genuine strategic partnership….I thank the President for his personal magnificent contribution to the evolution of our relationship. …And it is the intention of my government, as I believe it is also the will of the Indian people, particularly the thinking segments of our population…