Special Feature

People’s Conference against Globalization
21st-23rd March 2001, New Delhi

Decisions and Action Plan

Having adopted the Delhi Declaration launching the joint initiative against Globalization;

Recognizing that the crisis caused by the multifarious onslaught of Globalization requires all those who love the independence and democratic polity of this country to join hands together;

Convinced that the broadest possible consolidation of all such forces, movements, activists and concerned citizens into a rainbow coalition must be attempted;

the People’s Conference against Globalization held in New Delhi on 21st-23rd March 2001 decides to move towards setting up such a coalition; and, to this end, further decides to form a Convening Group consisting of the following persons to initiate the process of wider consultations and interaction with various organizations and forces opposed to and engaged in the fight against Globalization in its various manifestations:


S.P.Shukla - Convener

Medha Patkar


Vandana Shiva

JagjitSingh Layalpuri

Surendra Mohan

Prabir Purkayastha

Dr. Sunilam

Ashok Manohar

Binod Prasad Singh

Vijay Pratap

Ashok Rao

Dinesh Abrol



Sawai Singh

Arvind Sinha

Aruna Roy

Ram Dhiraj


The Conference identified the priority issues on which the Struggle against Globalization needs to be intensified in joint action with all those who were already engaged in such struggles. Such issues and actions include:

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