Editorial |
India-Shining, UPA-Style:
Paving the Way for BJP-NDA Comeback?
In May 2004, the electorate administered a stinging rebuff to the BJP-NDA and their arrogant claims of (corporate) ‘India Shining’ in cruel contrast to common man’s India starving......Full text
Commentary |
BJP’s CD: Fascist Stereotypes
Bharat Mata, Gau Mata and the Hindu woman. These are the three staples in the Hindu Right’s repertoire of communal venom. Bharat Mata (Mother India) is threatened by dismemberment;.....Full text
Judicial Legitimacy for Hindutva Myths
The lead up to the Assembly polls in Uttar Pradesh saw a spate of communal violence aided by a desperate Mulayam government to salvage its fast losing turf, and the launch of one of the most vicious anti-Muslim campaign.....Full text
Communal Offensive in Uttarakhand
Is it possible for an MMS to be made into a reason for a Hindu-Muslim riot? Well yes, if the State is ruled by BJP. For an elaborate answer it is necessary to know about the much discussed MMS incident of Srinagar (Garhwal, Uttrakhand)......Full text
Betis as ‘Bombs’ – Exploding the Borders of Caste and Community
"In every house there is a live bomb that can erupt at any time. Do you know who that is? Daughters (beti) are the honour of the family and the community, and to protect that is our Hindu duty and Hindu culture.... Come, and let’s unite to save bombs... I don’t believe in love marriage......Full text
Campaign |
Nandigram: Fact and CPI(M)’s Fiction
[Liberation takes a look at facts about the Nandigram massacre and CPI(M)-sponsored fiction. Quotations from CPI(M) leaders are from Brinda Karat’s ‘Behind the Events at Nandigram’ (The Hindu, March 30, 2007), ‘Some Issues on Nandigram’ also by Brinda Karat, People’s Democracy, Vol. XXXI, No. 13, April 01, 2007, ‘Defeat the politics of Terror’ (PD editorial of March 18), CPI(M) Politburo statement of March 14, ‘Singur: Just the Facts Please’, Brinda Karat, (The Hindu, December 13, 2006)]......Full text
India Does Not Need SEZs – the SEZ Act Will Have to Go!
Even as the Congress and the CPI(M) and their respective governments in New Delhi and Kolkata are busy covering up the state-sponsored barbarism in Nandigram, the ‘empowered group of union ministers’ has cleared the deck for the government’s SEZ campaign.....Full text
People’s Rights Campaign: A Report
The March 23 Inquilab Rally, the CPI(ML) had called to observe the 150th Anniversary year of 1857 by intensifying the campaign – both at the level of propaganda and mass initiatives – on a ten-point People’s Charter. This Charter included scrapping of SEZ policy and defence of peasants’.....Full text
Nandigram Effect: SFI Loses Union Polls in Jadavpur, JU, JNU
Students’ remarkable participation in the campaign against the Nandigram massacre and SEZ corporate land grab has shown dramatic results in student union elections in JNU as well as various institutions in West Bengal. .....Full text
Cover Feature |
Forty Years of Naxalbari:
The Continuing Long March for a New India
May 25, 2007 marks the 40th anniversary of the great Naxalbari peasant uprising, the uprising that had blazed a bold new trail for a new democratic India with agrarian revolution. .....Full text
Naxalbari: Now and Then
(Deshbrati, September 1990)
May 25 marks the Naxalbari Day. ...
What is the real meaning and significance of Naxalbari? Naxalbari means a mass uprising of the poor and labouring peasantry. It does not mean isolated squad actions here and there or some sensational armed exercises. Nor does it mean raising revolutionary storms over tea cups in Kolkata, Delhi or Mumbai.....Full text
The Call of April 22, 2007:
Develop the CPI(ML) as the Rallying Centre for all Sincere Communists and Progressive Democratic People
This April 22 we are observing the thirty-eighth anniversary of our Party’s foundation. A month later, May 23-25 will mark 40 years of the glorious Naxalbari uprising, the uprising that had inspired revolutionary communists.....Full text
Party Foundation Day Reports
April 22, Comrade Lenin’s Birth Anniversary and the 38th Foundation Day of CPI(ML) was observed all over the country in a variety of ways.....Full text |
Opinion |
Bihar Police Act: ‘Reforming the Police’, or Protecting it from Reform?
(The Nitish Kumar Government in Bihar has recently passed the Bihar Police Act 2007 – a move that has been met with protests all over the State. The people of Bihar are apprehensive that the new Act is actually meant to be used as a draconian weapon to crush people’s struggles. Bihar is not new to State repression......Full text
May Day |
Homage to May Day Martyrs
[In 1884, In 1884, the Federation of Organized Trades and Labor Unions passed a resolution stating that eight hours would constitute a legal day’s work from and after May 1, 1886. Chicago was the centre of this rising working class movement.....Full text
Rising Working Class Unrest
As usual, the working class has, once again, proved all bourgeois theoreticians wrong this time too. Well thought out strategies of contractorisation, casualisation, etc.....Full text
Workers' Protest Report:
Pricol Workers On Struggle:
Workers of Pricol, a leading auto components manufacturing factory supplying components to most of the leading auto majors joined AICCTU and declared formation of the union through a General Body meeting on 25 February......Full text
Lock out at Ganges Jute Mills
The Left Front police greeted the striking workers of Ganges Jute Mills, Bansberia, Hooghly with ruthless lathi chare of the morning of Bengali New Year’s day, it 15 April. Birendra Das a fighting worker of Ganges Jute Mills......Full text
AICCTU in Support of Striking Hind-Motor Workers ......Full text
Report |
Highlights of CPI(ML) UP Poll Campaign......
Bihar Chakka Jam .....Full text
Tounge- in- Cheek |
The Ghosts of Nandigram
There was panic at the CPM headquarters on Calcutta’s Alimuddin Street as rumours spread like wildfire of a ‘special’ investigative team having arrived to do some fact-finding on the gory events of 14 March 2007 in Nandigram. .....Full text