Editorial |
The Nandigram Carnage and Tasks of Revolutionary Communists
Several weeks after the Nandigram carnage, we still do not know how many people have exactly been killed, how many women have been gangraped and if the children and young girls missing from the area will ever return......Full text |
Commentary |
Primitive Accumulation in the Era of Globalisation
As regards economic essence, the eviction of peasants and other toilers from their natural socio-economic habitat is best understood in the Marxian framework of “primitive accumulation of capital”.....Full text |
India: Home to Asia’s Biggest Club of Billionaires and Half of the World’s Poor
When we are told that our economy is growing annually at an impressive 8 per cent per annum, we wonder what it is all about and where it disappears without leaving any trace in our daily lives. The latest Forbes list of global billionaires gives us some clue to resolve this riddle. According to this list there are 946 billionaire families in the world today and there are as many as 36 Indian names in this club of the world's wealthiest.....Full text |
Assembly Polls: Tables Turned on Congress
The crucial UP assembly elections are now in progress. Together with Punjab an Uttarakhand, UP results will provide a crucial index of the political mood in the country.....Full text |
Union Budget 2007-08: Kutta, Billi, Chappal Budget
‘Good news for the cat and dog lovers’–an unashamed Finance Minister (FM) exclaimed in the midst of his budget speech. But alas, there was no good news for the poor! Least concern for the sky-rocketing prices of essential commodities like food, but reduction in customs duty on pet foods.....Full text |
Rail Budget 2007-08:What it Reveals and What it Covers Up
“Last time I did a Jadu (magic), this time I have done Tona (witchcraft) and next time around it will be Indrajal”. This was Railways Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav’s self-appraisal regarding rail budget for 2007-08......Full text |
Cover Feature |
The Red Wave Rises
The streets were lined with festoons and several hundred thousand people with red flags and banners from—Assam to Ajmer, Bhojpur to Gujarat, Uttrakhand to Tamil Nadu—marched towards the Rally ground in an unceasing wave to reassert that Bhagat Singh's dreams were not wasted, the blood of the ordinary people battling the British imperialists before and after 1857 not washed away by parasitic rulers of the country and that the vision of the call for the final break from slavery given at .....Full text
Cultural Convergence of resistance at the Inquilab Rally
As a precursor to the 23rd March Inquilab Rally, three hundred cultural activists arrived in Delhi for celebrating resistance and assertion of the struggling people at a two day All India Cultural Meet. Denouncing the takeover of farmer's land for SEZs and the massacre at Nandigram.....Full text
Resolutions Taken at Inquilab Rally .....Full text
Inquilab Rally Pledge
We are inheritors of the great and bright tradition of uncompromising struggle against imperialism. Today the whole world is crushed by the blood-stained fist of imperialism. Our ruling class, mortgaging our national sovereignty and self-respect, has surrendered before imperialism .....Full text
Reassert the Anti-Imperialist and Revolutionary Legacy of 1857, Bhagat Singh and Naxalbari! (An abridged text of CPI(ML) General Secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya's speech at the Inquilab Rally.) .....Full text |
Fact Finding |
CPI(ML) Team in Nandigram: Summary of Findings
(A 20-member CPI(ML) team comprising Party General Secretary Dipankar Bhattacharya, West Bengal State Secretary Kartick Pal, senior state leaders Dr. Partha Ghosh, Shankar Mitra, Meena Pal and Chaitali Sen,. .....Full text |
Wave of Outrage and Protest
The Nandigram massacre has resulted in an upsurge of social activism and has shaken the social conscience in a way that is unprecedented in recent times. It has also resulted in tremendous isolation of the CPI(M) and the LF Government amongst the Leftist intelligentsia, not only in Bengal but all over the country .....Full text |
Feature |
Inquilab Zindabad:
The Indian Revolutionary Movement and Bhagat Singh
Bhagat Singh was no lone meteor across the skies of the Indian freedom struggle. The uniquely popular figure of Bhagat Singh should in fact be seen as a composite symbol of the early revolutionary movement in India. In this feature, we carry excerpts.....Full text |
Report |
Discrimination Against Dalits in Eastern UP
Eighty years ago, on 20 March 1927, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar led thousands of Dalits to defy feudal diktats of ‘untouchability’ and drink water at the common pond at Mahar .....Full text
Obituary |
Red Salute to Comrade Langtuk Phangcho
Comrade Langtuk Phanghcho is no more. The coward forces that had kidnapped him on 22 October 2006 could not overpower his courage of ideological conviction and eventually resorted to killing him in a most brutal fashion. His body was finally traced in a decomposed state on 1 March 2007 in an interior hilly area of North Cachhar Hills bordering Meghalaya. .....Full text