Editorial |
Let us Discover the Future of India together with Bhagat Singh
By the time this issue of Liberation reaches you, the birth centenary year of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh will have just begun. Today's Indian rulers, the ‘brown sahibs' whom Bhagat Singh knew pretty well, seem to be blissfully ignorant of this fact of history. Busy as they are celebrating a fictitious centenary of Vande Mataram, our rulers also seem to be unaware of the fact that we are currently living in the 150th anniversary year of the Great Rebellion of 1857......Full text
Commentary |
Discrimination and Terror in Malegaon and Mumbai ... Full text
Let the Working Class Rally Against The SEZ Subterfuge ...Full text |
Working Class |
State Brutality on Migrant Labourers in Ludhiana
Last month's brutal assault on migrant workers in Ludhiana, mostly from Bihar, by the Punjab Police and private goons has been of a piece with similar assaults in recent past on workers in Haryana – Honda workers at Gurgaon and workers of Liberty Shoes at Karnal. Brutal attacks on workers are clearly becoming the order of the day and migrant workers are thought to be particularly ......Full text |
Doling Out Death to Mine Workers
The rescue of the small child Prince from a pit by the Army was a human drama in which TV cameras helped the entire nation to participate. The triumph of life over death, the ingenuity of those who devised ways to rescue the child at all costs, was hailed – and rightly so – as a triumph of the human will. Indeed, all those who saw the innocent trapped in a death-pit in the bowels of the earth, willed him to escape unscathed ......Full text |
Special Feature |
Forward With The Revolutionary Legacy of Bhagat Singh
“ A pparently, I have acted like a terrorist. But I am not a terrorist... and I never was, except perhaps in the beginning of my revolutionary career. I do not mean that bombs and pistols are useless, rather the contrary. But I mean to say that mere bomb-throwing is not only useless but sometimes harmful. … The military department of the party … should back the political work of the party. It cannot and should not work independently.” ......Full text
Article |
A Note on Some Aspects of the Planning Commission's Approach Paper to the Eleventh Plan
The Planning Commission has released its Approach Paper to the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, dated June 14, 2006, in the middle of July 2006 and this paper, the brainchild of Montek Singh Ahluwalia, the blue-eyed boy of Brettonwoods twins, has evoked good amount of controversy. . ...Full text
Party Secretaries and Leading Cadres Meet at Bardhaman to Streamline and Strengthen the Party Organisation
The entire township of Bardhaman wore a festive look – festooned all over with red banners, flags, posters bearing revolutionary slogans. On their way from the station, delegates saw massive gates welcoming them. The Town Hall of Bardhaman bore the name of Comrade Vinod Mishra Hall, and its entrance gates were dedicated to two of Bardhaman's revolutionary martyrs – Comrade Tushar Chandra and Comrade Asit Baran Chatterjee. . ...Full text
Let us do all we can to expand and strengthen the Party organisation! Forward to victory over opportunism, pragmatism and spontaneity in the sphere of Party-building!
Party General Secretary's Inaugural Address to the Central Cadre Convention (VM Hall, Bardhaman, 12 September, 2006)
On behalf of the Party Central Committee I extend my warm revolutionary greetings and a hearty welcome to all of you participating in this important central cadre convention. On July 28, 1974, it was from this district of Bardhaman that our reorganised Party had started its great revolutionary. ...Full text |
Party-building is all about construction and creation – an unending saga of class struggle and social transformation
(excerpts from remarks made by Comrade Dipankar Bhattacharya at the end of the two-day all India cadre convention at Bardhaman)
W hen the idea of this cadre convention was first mooted, it perhaps did not appear all that necessary. Some comrades have perhaps found it a bit too unusual for the CC to convene two major cadre conventions between two Congresses. In July 2004 we had met at Bhubaneshwar in the wake of the NDA's ouster from power and on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of the reorganisation of our Party. Indeed this convention has been quite an extraordinary assembly in our Party. ...Full text |